Changes in California Education May Offer Reasons to Consider Summer Academic Camps

California’s new Common Core Standards go into effect with 2013-2014 School Year.

You may be busy gearing up for summer, but one thing is certain:  It’s not too early to start thinking about the fall season – especially if your child will be starting Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade.  The Kindergarten and early grade experience is in the midst of significant changes. For that matter, every grade level is going through dramatic changes, but we’ll focus on our younger scholars for this discussion.

kindergarten readiness

 Kindergarten – A New Kind of “Kid Stuff”

One of the greatest opportunities, and also challenges, of a child’s young life is the transition from a preschool into an elementary school environment.  For children who are about to enter a new world of academia, this summer will mark the end of an era and the beginning of their “real” relationship with education and learning.  Many aspects of Kindergarten will be entirely new for them. The school will be bigger, there will be more time sitting at a table, more focus on letters and numbers, more time handwriting, more time listening, and definitely, a great deal more structure. The days will be longer and there will likely be more independence required as part of the overall classroom routine.

Many think of Kindergarten simply as snacks, naps and playtime but, actually, it’s significantly more challenging than it used to be.  In an effort to help students prepare for a more competitive job market upon graduation, California is joining 44 other states in a transition to a more rigorous academic curriculum called Common Core State Standards, which dramatically affects all levels of education, starting with Kindergarten.

California lawmakers put the wheels in motion with approval of the new scholastic standards in 2010 – and by 2015, all elementary school curriculum is expected to be well on the way to completing the transition.  What this means to your Kindergartner is that she or he will be learning aspects of language, math and reading skills at levels formerly slated for higher grades.  Knowledge of these changes has clearly started to reach parents, with many feeling encouraged to ensure their child attends a preschool, transitional Kindergarten or other appropriate alternative, which will better prepare them for the challenges ahead.

If your child is heading off to Kindergarten this fall, or if your grade-schooler has struggled in any way during the current school year, here are a few tips regarding summer camps that can help your young one to be prepared for school in the fall.

  • First and foremost, the summer months are and should be a time for play, exploration, creativity and fun.  However, blend these carefree experiences with camp or summer class experiences that will benefit your child through the years of grade school ahead.
  • Think twice about what kind of organized summer activities you select for your child.  Every year parents shell out hundreds and hundreds of dollars shuffling kids from one summer camp to another – ranging from soccer camp to cooking and anything imaginable in between.  If you are currently pondering the best summer camp investment to benefit your child’s growth and development, remember that there are long term advantages in ensuring their early scholastic years establish a strong foundation on which to build a lifetime of learning.
  • For children entering Kindergarten there are one or two week summer Kindergarten readiness camps featuring effective and award winning learning programs such as Handwriting Without Tears and Zoo phonics.  These tools are fun, engaging and very effective in helping kids learn.
  • For kids who will be entering first, second or third grade who are having even slight challenges with math, reading or handwriting, similarly, there are summer learning “fun” classes that can tune-up and improve an area needing help using fun and entertaining techniques.  Additionally, some summer academic programs include activities involving a full multi-sensory kid friendly gymnasium.  Studies show that kids learning retention improves greatly when the curriculum is enhanced with physical activities that exercise motor skill abilities.
  • Grade school preparation camps can directly improve a child’s comprehension and retention skill-set, which in turn will work wonders to build their confidence and bolster self-esteem upon entering a new grade.
  • Parents of kids who attended a “play-based” curriculum preschool, or whose child struggled at all with routine preschool activities, may want to consider a professional evaluation for their child to ensure that he or she is ready for kindergarten by the fall.
  • Parents should also remember that the stronger academic demands placed on kids can create new stresses they have to deal with, which can influence behavior, self-confidence and their social skills.  If you are already faced with challenges in these areas, don’t be afraid to seek out extra help for your little one to obtain techniques and/or therapy to help overcome the issues before the new school year compounds any problems.

Ultimately, enjoy and get the most out of summer this year.  But, along with your family vacation of a lifetime, the epic barbecue cookouts and neighborhood block parties, remember to keep an eye on the new school year and make sure your kids start the journey off in full academic stride.

To learn more about the Kindergarten Readiness Camp at Child Success Center, click here.

For more information on The Summer Academy at Child Success Center, click here.


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Los Angeles, CA 90025
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