Our Approach
Child Success Center’s consultation and assessment process helps us determine your child’s strengths and challenges in various skill areas, thus enabling us to create a “road map” of how to proceed and with which appropriate therapies. We also find it extremely helpful to observe a child to better understand his or her behaviors and levels of motivation and cooperation. Classroom consultations can be incorporated into this process as needed. Test score comparisons to other same age children might also be helpful in developing a baseline.
This “whole child” approach provides insights that enable us to create an individualized treatment plan for each child. Our therapists, knowledgeable in the latest research and techniques, work together as a team to develop strategies and provide progress reports — keeping the family well informed and updated for the duration of treatment.
Children don’t work, they play!
A child’s job is to learn through play and this learning needs to be fun, easy and successful. A big part of learning at Child Success Center takes place in our 4000-square-foot play space with two indoor gyms that children of all ages enjoy.
Our brains rely on past experiences to build future success. When a child feels emotionally safe and the challenge presented ends with a successful outcome, the motivation to learn becomes internally driven. With success comes a desire to learn more, and the child begins to repeat the skills needed at home and in the community.
At Child Success Center, we are aware of the skills your child will need when he or she enters school and we provide the support to help build these skills. This support requires accurate assessment, interventional therapy, and ongoing case management to guide the development/learning journey.
>Sensory Integration
>Social Learning
>Whole Brain, Whole Child