CSC Blog

National Backpack Awareness Day


Backpack Awareness DayStudent backpacks are synonymous with school and books, however, many parents are uninformed about the seriousness and long term effects of not using the backpack correctly or how to choose the right backpack in the first place.

Wednesday, September 21st, is National Backpack Awareness Day and its significance should not be taken lightly.  Parents should take careful note of the tips below to avoid potentially long lasting and serious injury to your kids.
Continue reading

Social Skills Learned at Friendship Club – Session Starts Saturday, January 23, 2016!

The Child Success Center Friendship Club is designed for the child ages 4-7 who is having a difficult time navigating the social landscape of a classroom or group and/or building friendships.

For these children, growing and learning to engage with others in their universe can be confusing and/or overwhelming, and undesired behavior may emerge or the child may become isolated. Research shows that a common language, similar boundaries, and expectations of a child across all environments aides a child in feeling safe and increasing desired behaviors.

Friendship Club provides opportunities through physical play experiences that help a child fill his or her tool bag with skills. Our large sensory motor gym provides the setting for engaged learning through a variety of fun gross motor activities, including swings, rock wall, zip line, trampoline, pillow pit, monkey bars and more!

Friendship Club uses aspects of floor time and adult-led play to foster comfort for children when engaging with others. It will build upon their current social knowledge and challenge them to grow past parallel play – using their words in sharing, turn-taking, and dramatic play. We also ask for parental involvement in order for the child’s behavior to generalize to their everyday life. We will provide you and your family with tools that will make play dates, parties, and social interaction easier for everyone. An adult will be asked to attend the end of each camp day in order to learn what “tools” we put in the social skills toolbox that day, and how to implement these tools at home.  Learn more>

Our next session of Friendship Club begins Saturday, January 23, 2016 – enrollment is now open. Call the Child Success Center at 310.899.9597 for more info or to enroll.

Child Success Center Friendship Club - Winter 2016 Session



Child Success Center – 10th Anniversary!

by Melissa Idelson, Director – Child Success Center

Child Success Center - 10th Anniversary

Looking back over the last 10 years, like most people say, I can’t believe it’s gone so quickly. My daughter was just 3 years old when my dream of having a center that helped children struggling with developmental and learning challenges thrive, came to life. We started off small in the back of a preschool. We turned a small group room into a gym and started to work with children in the Pacific Palisades community. It wasn’t long before we grew out of this space. Good fortune led us to a collaboration with a colleague offering social skills groups in Santa Monica. It was there that our team of occupational therapists, speech therapists and educational therapists grew and built the beginnings of the Child Success Center mission.

Two years later, prompted by the needs of families of the west side communities, Child Success Center moved into its own space on Pico Blvd. and continued to build new programs for children and support for their families. Now at our 10 year anniversary and 8 years in our beautiful 4000 square foot learning space, I feel truly blessed to work alongside a team of experienced, compassionate, dedicated and creative therapists. Every day I look forward to the challenges of the day, knowing that the CSC team will come to the center ready to work and with an inspired plan to help each child learn and grow.

We love what we do and look forward with great expectations to the next 10 years. Thank you to all the parents who have entrusted us with your precious children, and thank you to all the unique and wonderful children we have have the privilege of getting to know.

Melissa….                                          Child Success Center 10th Anniversary                        

Child Success Center Director Melissa Idelson

Helping the “picky eater” Handle Back-to-School

Eating is a full body sensory motor experience and feeding difficulties can be complex.

picky eating

by Melissa Idelson, Director, Child Success Center

When my now 8 year old child entered preschool for the first time at age 3, I remember being very worried if he would eat at school, how the separation would go and the beginning of toilet training. It was a time of building independence for him and for me.

At the time he had a limited repertoire of foods and became very irritable if he did not eat. Now after working with parents and children as a sensory integration occupational therapist for 25 years I have seen how common feeding challenges are. In fact research states that 20% of children from birth to 7-8 yrs of age will classify as having some type of feeding issue at some point in their lives. That is 1 in every 5.

As parents and educators, we are aware that there are times in development where children struggle more with the process of feeding. The research supports these times, 4-6 months, 12-14 months, 2-3 yrs, 5-7 yrs and 9-11 yrs. In fact 50% of 2 year olds are often picky eaters, as many of us have experienced, however only a little more than half will grow out of it.

So why is feeding so challenging? Eating is the hardest thing we do as human beings. Eating involves 7 different areas of human function and all need to work correctly and together to get the job done. Pretty tall order!

Eating in the first 4-6 weeks of life is an appetite instinct. At 4-6 months it is driven by primitive motor reflexes. But by 6 months and going forward, eating is learned behavior.

Below are the 7 areas that all need to be integrated for successful eating :

  • Internal organs – all are used
  • Muscular system
  • All senses- sight, smell, taste, touch/texture, hearing ( the noises you hear in your head as you crunch), balance, Proprioception ( jaw movement), Interception ( blood glucose levels, satiation, stretch receptors in the stomach)
  • Learning- history of learned behaviors related to feeding
  • Developmental stage and individual learning style
  • Nutritional status
  • Environment

Children with eating/feeding difficulties before the age of 3 should NOT be considered to have behavioral problems. These difficulties are due to skill deficits and or physical problems in one of the 7 major areas listed above.

After seeing how complicated eating really is and how many areas could be challenged in the process, it is clear to see why the research supports that in actually only 10% of the cases, parents are the problem behind children with feeding challenges.

So how do we help our children eat at school and get the nutrition they need to focus and learn.

For children 18 months to 10 years of age a normal metabolism requires food every 2.5 to 3 hours. In order to eat the amount of food a child needs during meals they need approximately 20 minutes to attend to a meal. If physical activity such as recess occurs prior to sitting down to eat, research shows that children will attend and eat better.

Here are some tips for parents and educators as your child heads back to school:

  1. Environment: Be aware of all the sensory experiences a child is exposed to when eating at home and school. If you can make modifications and adapt the setting that’s a great way to support eating. Occupational therapists can help identify inappropriate environment factors and create suggestions to the family on how to make corrections where it is feasibly possible to do so. When it isn’t, a child can be supported via a “Social Story”. With your child, write a Social Story that discusses where meals will be taken, what will be eaten, where the food might have come from, and what awesome changes happen in the body when you eat well. Collaborate with your child’s teacher before the school year begins by sending an email that includes the social stories you have created and the information you have gathered regarding how to increase successful eating for your child. Working as a team is key.
  1. Experiencing eating together: Studies show that when an adult sits down with the child and eats a new food with them, modeling the behavior, the outcome has greater chance of success. Websites such as are great resources. During this time the children benefit from the adults talking about the sensory qualities of the foods and nutritional qualities. Removing all values judgment such as, “this is healthy and this is junk food”, is best.
  1. Look at Positioning — Does your child have good supported posture so that she can focus on eating instead of holding herself upright?  This is especially important for any child with developmental delays. Are her feet supported on the floor or on a bench so that her hips, knees and ankles are at a 90 degree angle?  Is the table at the right height so that her arms can rest comfortably without having to reach way up high?  Does she have adequate support at her trunk and back to keep her from feeling like she will fall out of the chair?
  1. Play With Your Food! Make an effort to play with food that your child may be resistant to.  Being able to touch an unfamiliar or undesirable food is a big step in the right direction when the ultimate goal is to get that food into a child’s mouth.
  1. Practice smelling foods: The sense of smell helps to create the flavors that we taste in food.  This is the reason that when we have a cold, nothing tastes quite right.  Keep in mind that when you heat foods, they smell stronger!  If your child is sensitive to smells, serve food at room temperature.
  1. Always promote movement before meals: Activating the muscles and joints supports sitting for the desired 20 minutes children need to eat a meal.

Does the child move while eating?

Know How the Body Works — Think about the body awareness, coordination, and motor planning it takes to get your hand to your mouth!  Kids have to be able to grade their movements, using appropriate force and timing to be able to feed themselves. You may take this for granted, but for little ones, it can be tricky!  Check out the cups and utensils your child uses.  How heavy or light are they, and how does this affect the way they eat? Sometimes preschoolers need a little cheerleading and hands on help to get the nutrition they need, to have a successful day at school.

Kids are smart!  Provide them with the tools they need to feel comfortable, in control and empowered and they may just surprise you!  Remember that eating is a full body sensory motor experience and that feeding difficulties can be complex.

Learn how Child Success Center  can help end the mealtime battle for you and your family.

SOS Approach to Feeding – Dr. Kay Toomey is a pediatric psychologist who has worked for over 20 years with children who don’t eat. She developed the highly effective, family-centered SOS Approach to Feeding to assess and successfully treat children with feeding problems, which is used by therapists worldwide. – Provides practical information to individuals, health professionals, nutrition educators, and the food industry to help consumers build healthier diets with resources and tools for dietary assessment, nutrition education, and other user-friendly nutrition information. Special activities, recipes and more to inspire kids to eat healthier and move more.

My Life as a Speech Language Pathologist

by Gina Costello, Director, Speech Dept., Child Success Center

The joy, intrigue and satisfaction of working with children as a speech-language pathologist.


Working as a Speech Language Pathologist, it’s hard to believe that I saw my first client 18 years ago. I remember the feeling I had leading up to that first session. It was a mixture of excitement, anticipation and a bit of anxiety knowing that I could help an individual communicate in their world and could have a positive impact on their life. It felt extraordinary!

After all of these years working as a speech language pathologist, I continue to feel the same level of joy and intrigue that I did when I was a new therapist. The difference is, now I have the experience,
patience and understanding to help my clients overcome their communication challenges. In essence, I have more “tools” in my toolbox!

There are many reasons why I love what I do! I’m always excited to try the latest therapy techniques and share new educational tools and tips with parents. I find great satisfaction giving parents
strategies and tips to try at home. As a result, families feel more empowered and so does the child.

Recently, a parent expressed how her relationship with her daughter has significantly improved since they started coming to therapy. She thanked me for being a partner in this process. It felt very gratifying to know that we worked as a team to improve her child’s life.

As a speech language pathologist, I’m constantly being challenged to come up with new and creative therapy activities. I love the freedom that I have in creating a session that suits the specific needs of a child. There’s no better experience than greeting a child in the waiting room and watching them race down the hall to my
therapy room with eager anticipation for the session.

One of my favorite parts of my job is the collaboration with other therapists and professionals in the community. The saying, “It takes a village to raise a child,” couldn’t be more appropriate when it comes to supporting a child who has a communication deficit.

Over the years the expertise, knowledge, advice and encouragement that I’ve received from other professionals has been invaluable. The best part of my job is watching a child grow into a confident and effective communicator. I have watched children go from being nonverbal to talking in sentences. I have seen children who were once very shy and timid become more confident and enthusiastic when communicating with their peers. Every day I work with families is a gift and a reminder of the positive impact I can have on their lives. I am continuously reminded of how fortunate and honored I am to have this opportunity!

More with Gina Costello and recognition of May – Better Hearing and Speech Month

Additional Resources for Parents:

Apraxia KIDS

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

Auditory Defensiveness and The Role of an Occupational Therapist

What is Auditory Defensiveness, how are some children affected, and what role does an Occupational Therapist play in treatment?

auditory defensiveness

Commonly, when parents and teachers find out that I am a Sensory Integration trained Occupational Therapist, they will ask questions about either sound sensitivity or touch sensitivity. They will tell me about a child who seems unsettled or distressed in loud environments, frequently covers their ears to sounds that other children tolerate, are bothered by noises made by everyday things like vacuum cleaners and hair dryers, or avoids activities that have loud environments such as parties, ballgames, and movies.  These children often ask, “Did you hear that? –  What’s that noise? – Who’s talking?”, when the parent doesn’t hear anything at all. Parents may also share that their child seems overly sensitive, is anxious in new environments, needs more protection from the world, and exhibits tactile and or movement sensitivity.  What these parents are describing is a condition known as “auditory defensiveness”.

When the World Gets Too Loud

Auditory defensiveness is a clinical condition in which a child is highly sensitive to sound.  This means that sounds and voices that would not register at all, or would not be perceived as irritating to a typically functioning nervous system, are perceived by the child as too loud, too high pitched, or otherwise difficult to tolerate, and so he must defend himself against them.  The child that is moving through their day in a defensive mode can often struggle to stay calm enough to play with friends, learn at school and be part of a family dynamic at home. To survive they may learn to cope by  tuning out,  hyper-focusing on something else, holding their hands over their ears, attempting to escape the situation in which they find themselves , or by acting out in such a way that the adults are left no choice but to remove them from the situation.  Many times the adults around the child will identify a behavior challenge while not always identifying the root. They may struggle to believe that the auditory issue is real for the child, as their nervous system perceives the incoming sound information differently and without struggle. It may be extremely difficult if a sibling close in age is able to process typically, and therefore presents with more flexibility, and overall, an easier child to parent.

A child with auditory sensitivity is alerted to noises that a typically functioning nervous system would recognize as irrelevant and filter out, and may respond to them as if those things were a cause for alarm.  As an adult I will equate this to the cocktail party experience. You are often juggling a plate of food, a glass of wine and a conversation with a new person. There is always a lot of back ground noise. For some adults this is not hard work for their ears. For my nervous system, on the other hand, it can be exhausting.  I often feel tired from concentrating on the conversation while simultaneously attempting to filter foreground from background sound.

It’s tough to navigate school as well, when your hearing is so sensitive.  For the pre-schooler, the classroom often sounds like a cocktail party—lots of children talking at the same time coupled with conflict situations that may include an upset child. For the elementary school aged child  the sounds of the bells, children shouting, the echoing noise of the bathrooms or auditorium, the chaos of the playground and the cafeteria, are all experienced as an assault, and will put a child whose hearing is ultra-sensitive on high alert and force him to stay in that mode.

It is very hard to stay calm, regulated and ready to learn, problem solve and share, when your nervous system is in a constant state of alert. For the majority of the school day, children are listening to a teacher’s voice (often a female voice), and for many children the most challenging types of auditory defensiveness is sensitivity to high pitched sound.  A high frequency sound dissipates in the air faster than low frequency.  Attuning to the teacher’s voice and then holding on to the directions can be difficult, creating additional learning challenges for the child.

A child with auditory defensiveness may also be experiencing other development and/or learning challenges. There are several ways that sensory integration Auditory Defensiveness-Occupational Therapytherapy can help a child with auditory defensiveness. An occupational therapist with advanced practice will be able to assess and treat by improving the ability of the inner ear to do the job of filtering and dampening sound.  This is done by providing the child with intense movement experiences.  Movement affects the workings of the inner ear, which in addition to filtering sound, is responsible for monitoring where we are in space.  As one system improves, so does the other. Occupational therapists with additional training can prescribe special filtered music, like the kind used in “The Listening Program”, that trains the ear and brain to be less sensitive to sound.  This music can be very helpful to children who have trouble attending in noisy environments.

Sensory integration therapy works on improving the way that the nervous system function registers, integrates and processes sensory input.   An occupational therapist trained in sensory processing employs specific techniques that may include integrating primitive reflex patterns that can often support development.

There are also strategies, that when designed for the individual child and his/her environment, are often referred to as a sensory diet. These strategies may include:

  • Modifying the environment (such as in a school) by considering the acoustics in the classroom. Changing seating arrangements may be beneficial and limiting extraneous noise from the hallway by closing the door or windows is also helpful. It may be necessary to cover the loud speaker with material to tone down the volume.
  • Having rugs or carpet on the floor will decrease echo and extraneous noises.
  • Whenever possible, children should be given advance notice about bells, announcements, fire drills, etc.
  • Having the child wear headphones or earmuffs that cover the entire ear to filter out extraneous background noises.
  • Playing calming music such as Mozart in the headphones or as background music.
  • If concentration is an issue, the child should chew gum, suck on sour candies, and/or eat fruit roll ups, or crunchy snacks.

Generally speaking, a smaller, quieter, more structured classroom is a better fit for a sensory defensive child. I also advise parents not to expect their child to be able to tolerate concerts or to endure long stays at noisy family gatherings until the problem is corrected.

I am often asked if the problem is permanent.  Auditory sensitivity may or may not go away, but  with appropriate intervention, it should at least, diminish.  Sometimes children grow out of their defensiveness and sometimes sensory integration therapy can eradicate it completely. Devising coping strategies, like keeping earplugs  and something to chew on in your child’s backpack, helps him feel more in control.

Remember our children need us to play detective. Find out the reason for the behavior. Believe that is it often real for them, even if you don’t feel it, and try to put strategies in place to keep their nervous system calm.

And, as always, you’re not alone. If you have any concerns about your child’s auditory sensitivities, seek out the expertise of a sensory integration trained occupational therapist – they can help make life better for your child and your family.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Role of the Occupational Therapist in Sensory Integration


What is a Sensory Diet?

Sensory Diet – Ways an OT (Occupational Therapist) works with Children and Families to Support Regulation

What really is a sensory diet?

Many occupational therapists use the term, “sensory diet”, when working with children with developmental and/or learning challenges. The term sensory diet was coined by Patricia Wilbarger, M.Ed., FAOTA, OTR in 1984 to indicate the use of a combination of sensory strategies to keep a person at the optimal level of arousal. All human beings unconsciously use sensory diets every day. We exercise, drink coffee, listen to music, retreat to a quiet space when the world gets overwhelming, chew/crunch and eat foods that often make us happy.

Self-regulation is something everyone continually works on, whether we are cognizant of it or not.

Sensory Diet with Occupational Therpist

Children who are struggling with self-regulation and utilizing the “just right” behaviors that are expected in different environments do not have the mindfulness, resources or control to seek out the activities that may help them shift from the Red Zone (mad, angry) or the Yellow Zone (silly, out of control, anxious) to the Green Zone (ready to listen and learn).  Learn more about the Zones of Regulation.

Sensory modulation” is a therapeutic term used to describe one’s ability to respond appropriately to sensory input and to stay focused on the activity at hand. It may be used with regard to children and adults who may be under- responsive, sensory seeking and or over responsive. It is never black and white. Working with an occupational therapist will help parents and teachers get a better understanding of the why, what and how of “sensory modulation”. The OT will help parents understand the behaviors of a child, help to identify and remove triggers from their environment and better equip the child’s nervous system to cope with the highly sensory world we live in.

An occupational therapist that has spent time assessing a child’s responses to various sensory information, known as “sensory processing/integration” , will design a sensory diet tailored to that child’s needs.  This “diet” will include the tools required, (deep pressure,  hugging, taking a break, belly breathing, drinking water, wall pushes) and a schedule outlining when to use them, that will support a child’s overall regulatory state and therefore ability to engage in relationships and his/her environment in a successful way.


Additional Resources for Sensory Processing Disorder and Sensory Integration


Sensory Processing-videoSensory Processing/Sensory Integration 

What is Sensory Processing?

What is Sensory Integration – Video


Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation 

More Resources




Kindergarten Readiness Summer Camp 2015

Is your pre-schooler ready for Kindergarten in the Fall? Child Success Center is happy to announce our 6th consecutive summer of Kindergarten Readiness Camp!

While you might not even be thinking about summer vacation yet, it is definitely the time to start asking yourself if your pre-schooler will be ready for the move up to Kindergarten in the Fall. There’s more to it than you might imagine.  Many parents  are under the impression that Kindergarten is somewhat akin to preschool and that significant academics really don’t kick in until 1st or 2nd grade, but in newer times that is far from reality.

In recent years, California Kindergarten curriculum has shifted to become far more academically skewed than in past decades and now more than ever, it’s very important to have all children properly prepared for these greater new challenges.  To successfully excel in their new setting, children must achieve and master certain educational and social skills to adequately adapt and grow in a more accountable and often faster paced setting.

Additionally, there are many aspects of kindergarten that will be new for your child. The school is bigger, there is more time sitting at a table, more focus on letters and numbers, time spent learning handwriting skills, more time listening and a lot more structure. The days are longer and there is often more independence required.


Kindergarten image

Parents might consider seeking counsel or advice from teachers or experts and possibly even have an evaluation for their child to ensure that educational and social skill development is on track for entry into Kindergarten in the fall. To help those who may need additional support, Child Success Center is happy to announce our 6th consecutive summer of  Kindergarten Readiness Camp.  This camp is designed to not only teach and prepare little ones, but also provide tons of fun while they’re learning.

Presented as individual weekly camps or a 2-week session, campers, in small groups of up to 8 children, will spend over 20 hours involved in activities designed to help them develop the foundational learning needed to feel confident entering Kindergarten.  The program will help children develop confidence when taking the first steps toward reading, writing, attending to a new routine and making new friends. The huge gymnasium at Child Success Center will be turned into a summer fun learning camp with the aim of turning “learning” into “play”.  The camp will feature swings, a trampoline, climbing wall and monkey bars, which will take children on an adventure and build up their kindergarten readiness skills.  The program will also feature art, music and science activities that will inspire creative interests and will offer hands-on fun through touching, exploring and games.

Parents can enroll their children in a single weekly program, but enrollment in two or three week sessions will build stronger, lasting skills.  Also, as a bonus, multiple week enrollees and those who bring a friend may be eligible for special discounts, so be sure to inquire when you call.

Each Week-long Session Will Teach Your Child To:

Kindergarten Readiness Camp-Child Success Center 2015

  • Recognize letters and match them with a name and sound
  • Master holding a pencil, marker or crayon
  • Develop attention and listening skills
  • Socialize and communicate
  • Enjoy learning


DATES: Dates:  Session 1:  July 27 – July 31, 2015

Session 2:  August 3 – Aug 7, 2015

Session 3: August 10 – August 14, 2015

TIMES: 8:45AM – 1 PM, Monday through Friday

AGE: Starting Kindergarten in the Fall

ENROLLMENT: Call the Child Success Center on 310.899.9597 or email:

COST: Full Fee is $574 per week.


  • Early Bird Discount: $495.00 per week, if registration and payment are received by Friday March 15, 2015.
  • Multiple week discounts are available.  Call for details.
  • Discounts are also available if you bring along a sibling or friend.  Call for details.

Is Play Really Just Playing?

What are the skills a child develops through play?

child at play

A child playing with blocks is not just playing. As he is nesting blocks, he is learning size relationship. He learns that smaller blocks fit inside larger ones. He learns cause and effect as he builds his blocks higher and higher until they come crashing down. As the blocks are tumbling down, he can describe it using language. It is while playing that children test ideas, ask questions, and come up with answers.

What are the Skills that a child develops through Play?

During child development, the following skills are developed through play:

Language – Enhances ability to describe what is happening, ask for help and wonder why toys work like they do.

Physical – Enhances fine and gross motor through picking up blocks, putting legos together and jumping around on a trampoline.

Emotional – Ability to work out frustrations by getting a heart shape into the corresponding shape or making a social scenario with dolls to work out conflicts with friends. .

Cognitive/Intellectual – Enhances a child’s ability to think, understand and eventually reason things out while taking in new information about a toy or game.

Social – Socially, children work on managing their feelings, learning skills like sharing and taking turns, and empathizing with other people’s feelings and thoughts.

How can you help?

Try not to involve your children in so many activities that there is no time for play. Creativity takes time to develop, and children can have difficulties entertaining themselves if they are not given time to use their imagination.

1. Show that play is valuable by playing with your children. Children realize that play is important if adults pay attention to them while they are playing and even engaging with them in play.

2. Appreciate and talk to your children about their play. We often say, “You are doing a great job working,” but we may never say, “You are doing a great job playing!”

3. Create an environment for play. It is important for adults to provide materials that children can explore and adapt in play, and if possible,  provide a special “play place” or designated area for the pretend play and all the inspiring props. Adults should monitor play, so that when play appears to be “stuck” or unproductive, they can suggest new character roles.

4. Children get ideas for their play from books, movies, field trips, and everyday life.  For instance, if your children are interested in a particular topic, such as animals, take them to the zoo, read them abook about farm animals, or watch a movie about animals – they will be filled with ideas for pretend play. You might see your children reenacting the trip or scenes from the movie with friends. This helps them to better remember the experience, and it reinforces all of their newly learned information.

Examples of appropriate toddler toys: pull-push toys; blocks; an assortment of balls; Play-Doh with simple tools (craft sticks and wooden rollers); picture books; containers, scoops, sifters, and other objects for sand and water play; toys and props for dramatic play like scarves, hats.


Imagine The Possibilities with Pretend Play, Amber Hodgson, M.A. CCC-SLP

The New Language of Toys by Sue Schwartz, Ph. D.

Identifying a Child’s Learning Style

Take a look at your child’s pattern of learning. Are his learning skills comparable to other children in his class? Has your child been working with a tutor without measurable improvement?

Child Success Center - Learning StyleAll children learn differently. Each child has his or her own unique learning and processing style. Some children learn better when they hear information, others when they see it. Still others learn best when they hear and see information simultaneously. In addition, some children face learning challenges that make it difficult to learn the foundational skills necessary to read, write or calculate.

It is the Educational Therapist who helps identify how your child learns best and determine the stumbling blocks that may be preventing your child from reaching his/her potential. The Educational Therapist works in partnership with parents and other professionals working with your child, to ensure that your child gets the right start and continues to grow as a life-long, independent learner.

The educational therapeutic process includes individual interventions designed to remediate areas of challenge in regard to learning, as well as help the child begin to learn about his or her unique learning style. As the child becomes aware of his strengths, he can begin to utilize them in strengthening areas of challenge.

This is an ongoing process which can last anywhere from 3 months to several years. Areas of intervention can include, but are not limited to reading, writing, mathematics, communication and language skills, processing skills, and executive functioning skills. Following the assessment or records review, a program will be recommended if appropriate. For many students the program will be designed in 2 phases.

Learn more about the Educational Therapeutic Process.

Your child may benefit from Educational Therapeutic Services if you recognize any of these Common Signs and Indicators.

Child Success Center
2023 S. Westgate Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Call 310-899-9597 to access our “warm” line.
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