Child Success Center Announces Summer Academy!

Child Success Center Announces Summer Academy!

Summer is the time to address challenges and help your child grow their confidence to take the school year by storm!  Child Success Center is orchestrating an array of summer, results driven programs designed to have your child confident and at the top of their potential when school begins in the fall.  Most importantly summer is a time to have fun and Child Success Center programs are designed to be both fun and great learning opportunities. Click on our offerings below for more information and to get your child enrolled and on the road to new heights.  Space is very limited, so please enroll today!

Child Success Center Kindergarten Readiness Camp






Kindergarten Readiness Camp – Give your child confidence in foundational academic skills and social skills for the best start possible.

Reading Club – Reading should be fun.  If you child is struggling, help them over the speed bumps that are slowing them down.

Math Club – Math doesn’t need to be confusing.  Our program makes it simple and as easy to understand as 1 + 1 = Success!

Speech Articulation –  It’s time to make that lisp or other slight speech impediment go away.  Set up a screening today to find out how a summer speech group can correct things within weeks!

Handwriting Club – So you want your child to be a doctor….but not write like one?  Our team of Occupational Therapists will discover why handwriting is hard for your child and help them correct it over the summer.  Find out how!

Social Skills Playtime PalsLearning how to interact with others isn’t always easy.  Our therapists can help your child become more engaging to make appropriate connections with peers and others.  We can help.

Organization and Time Management If your tween or teen has challenges staying organized or understanding time management, there are techniques and tools to help them function and stay focused for the rest of their life.  They’ll find it fun.  You’ll find frustration relief.



Child Success Center
2023 S. Westgate Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Call 310-899-9597 to access our “warm” line.
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