
Executive Function and Time Management Skills

Mastering Executive Function and Organization Skills

A new program offered this summer for Middle School and High School Students at Child Success Center

Is your son or daughter preparing to enter middle or high school in the fall and struggling to stay organized? Does he forget to turn in assignments? Does she feel lost when it comes to planning out long-range assignments?  If this sounds like your child, he might have challenges with “executive function and time management skills”. Child Success Center offers an opportunity for you and your child this summer to help improve these skills.

Child Success Center uses an effective and proven program based upon the Sklar Process™ that helps your child learn and understand time management and executive functioning skills that are critical for success in all aspects of life. The curriculum teaches both you and your child how to use a variety of visual tools tailored to those with challenges in executive functioning and time management. An Educational Therapist who is trained in this life-changing curriculum will lead 10-12 sessions designed to foster a lifetime of effective behavioral changes for improved time management and organizational skills.  This course is the beginning of an ongoing conversation between parent and child about how to effectively and more easily manage school and life.

The program will help the student and parent:

  • Increase awareness about procrastination and explore ways to minimize its effect
  • Learn how to organize large projects into an action plan within a functional time frame
  • Explore the use of visual aids to coordinate a weekly schedule
  • Dive into the brain to begin to understand how we process and organize information when managing tasks and keeping to a time schedule
  • Improve self-awareness and metacognition in an effort to utilize strengths to support areas of challenge
  • Learn about and create tools to manage time, tasks and organizational skills
  • Improve communication with others for better time and task management at home and at school

Our Summer Program is now enrolling. Make this the summer for change. Learn more about the Child Success Center’s “Organizational and Executive Function Groups” on our website or contact Maria Fagan Hassani, M.A., ET/P at Child Success Center – 310-899-9597.

Teens learn executive function skills at Child Success Center

Child Success Center
2023 S. Westgate Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Call 310-899-9597 to access our “warm” line.
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