The Importance of "Handwriting" Skills

Child Success Center - learning handwriting skills

Has your child struggled with handwriting skills throughout the school year?  

Now is the time to get them help. Handwriting skills are a key component and an essential part of school related activities. Refined hand skills are not only critical for early learning, but enables a child to use tools, participate in manipulative learning activities and most importantly express and demonstrate his/her knowledge through handwriting.

Interesting Fact:

The College Board found that students who wrote in cursive for the essay portion of the SAT scored slightly higher than those who printed. (Read More)

With the new Common Core Standards taking effect in the 2013-2014 School Year, children entering Kindergarten will be expected to know how to correctly and effectively hold and use a pencil, crayon or marker. Note taking and expository writing will have greater emphasis in grades K-5 than ever before. Sharper handwriting skills need to be acquired and bad writing habits abated early on in a student’s academic career.

Child Success Center’s Handwriting Club will also address the following common handwriting challenges:

  • Difficulty holding pencils or markers?
  • Difficulty coloring within the lines?
  • Messy or sloppy handwriting?
  • Writing too large or too small?
  • Occasional or frequent reversal of letters/numbers?
  • Difficulty learning letters/numbers correctly?
  • Difficulty staying on a line?

Program Details:

Dates: For current session dates click here

Times: Days and times will vary dependent on the nature of each group

Ages: 5-12 years

Enrollment: Call the Child Success Center – 310.899.9597 or email:

Cost: Please call for details


Child Success Center
2023 S. Westgate Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Call 310-899-9597 to access our “warm” line.
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